SD83 Students Show Creativity at CAT

JL Jackson Grade 10 Student Zak Seiga is trying to create a digital ball that bounces on the screen during his Animation workshop. He was eventually successful!

Over 40 Grade 10-12 students got an opportunity to play in Kelowna this week. The students visited the Centre for Arts and Technology (CAT) for a full-day workshop in the creative course of their choice.

CAT Video Production Instructor Akim Vincent (right) shows PVSS Grade 12 Student Justin Rasmussen (left) how to set a custom white balance on his camera.

Students from JL Jackson, Salmon Arm, AL Fortune and Pleasant Valley Secondaries had a tour of the two building facility and had their choice of creative workshops to participate in. The workshops included: Photography, Interior Design, Video Production, Audio Engineering, Animation and Graphic and Web Design. All of the workshops were led by CAT instructors who are also active professionals in those careers.

JL Jackson Grade 10 Student Jazlynn Tagg prepares to takes her shot of professional Kelowna model “Lauren” while one of the photography instructors watches.

CAT High School Liaison Jon Matlock says although the Centre has offered a spring break camp for high school students for decades, it has never offered a one-day, interactive workshop for students during the academic year. “We have had students walk through our facility but we have never had a hands-on component to it. So, with today, and SD83 coming down here, we wanted to use this as a starting point to offer this to other schools from other districts,” Matlock says. “We wanted to give them (students) a real experience, something to take home and reflect on that they may have enjoyed their time here. That’s the ultimate goal”.

PVSS Grade 12 Student Hailey Halverson (left) is laying down some keyboard tracks while AL Fortune Grade 10 Student Nicolia Gray edits hers in the Ableton Live Software in CAT’s Audio Engineering Lab.

Matlock says he is pleased with the results of the visit and how involved both teachers and students were. “Not only are the students having fun, the teachers and counsellors here are too,” Matlock explains. “The students are quite engaged—the video production students are really engaged.”

JL Jackson Grade 10 Students Avery Howell (pushing on dolly) and Kendall Ruth (operating camera) focus on the JL Jackson and AL Fortune actors on the set.

This is a reminder for any students wanting to apply for academic dual credit courses for next year to get in their applications to their school’s career coordinators before April 30th. If you have any other questions or ideas for field trip activities we can do in the district, please contact George Richard via text or phone at 778-824-1188 or email

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